Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"You Want to Take Pictures...Where??"

Sometimes you can find inspiration in the oddest of places. One night, in the parking lot of a local grocery store, I saw the most magnificent sunset. Knowing I had a shoot later that weekend, its all I could think about as a possible location. Crazy as it may have sounded. Fortunately, they trusted me. And, they got some gorgeous photos.

First up: Don't you just love golden hour? Mmmm....Yummy light.

There is alot more to share from that day...But I'll keep you all in suspense for now!
Nikki, Chris, you have a lovely family, and I truly enjoyed every minute that we got to spend together! Thanks for trusting me. Haha!

Much Love,


  1. Hey, I know these people!! :)
    Gorgeous photography as always!

  2. Finally got them posted I see!! I was supposed to have first comment!! LOL These are super great! I am so happy you got the chance to take them as a family. They needed this. :)I cant wait to see the rest! I am sooo excited to have you do some for us soon!!! ;) Love you.


The best gift to an artist is recognition. Thanks for your words!